50 Jahre FOSTA e. V.

Still fresh after 50 years - FOSTA e. V. has an anniversary

The funding landscape of scientific and technological research in Germany is widespread and allows all participants a fair competition for the best ideas; it is a reliable basis for both knowledge driven basic and problem-oriented application research. In basic research, the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG) offers a clearly structured funding area managed by science itself, which enables both individual projects and long-term oriented methodological research approaches in structured programs such as the Collaborative Research Centers and the Graduate Schools. Institutionally, the Max Planck Institutes are also active in this area. On the other hand, application-oriented research is the task of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft (FHG), the Helmholtz Association and the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Science Community with a total of 180 research sites. The tasks of the university institutes usually include both basic questions and application-oriented topics. The latter are often funded by industrial joint research within the Association of Industrial Research Associations e. V. (AiF) in close cooperation with industrial partners. Based on the engineering scientific research for the material group of steels and their manufacturing and processing methods, a broad foundation for both foundations and transfer is given.

Why does one need the FOSTA e. V.?

The FOSTA e. V. is the extremely agile link between fundamentals – transfer – new development – optimisation.

Best described with verbs:

  • The FOSTA e. V. encourages new ideas to be taken up, even if a DFG or AIF application can’t yet be submitted due to insufficient preparatory work; small "trial projects" make it possible.
  • The FOSTA e. V. links the interests of steel users, steel manufacturers and processors, because it maintains contacts with all parties involved in the process chain.
  • The FOSTA e. V. supports goal oriented cooperation through intensive, supportive and demanding support.
  • The FOSTA e. V. improves the transfer process through project-accompanying working groups and targeted information events.
  • The FOSTA e. V. accelerates the innovation process by taking an early account of all constraints and potential obstacles as well as by minimizing the application bureaucracy.
  • The FOSTA e. V. connects all developers and users interested in steel.

To put it bluntly: The FOSTA e. V. is the coach that spurs the players on to their peak performance in the world of steel.

You need them for that! It’s important, today and in the future!

Wolfgang Bleck
